Get ready for Spring salad with violets, radish and broad beans. That’s right, spring is here. Time to make the side dish or appetizer salad accordingly. What goes better with a spring salad than edible flower petals? Today we have chosen violets. The smell is lovely, the taste is mild. So they not only look beautiful, but also taste good. Especially in our Spring salad with violets.
Of course, it is best to grow them in your own garden or balcony box. Then you can enjoy their look and if you feel like it, then pick a few flowers and use them for your meal. In general, only use flowers from your own garden that you know are edible, or buy flowers or blossoms that are specifically for eating. Above all, make sure you don’t buy plants from garden stores that have been sprayed with pesticides.
In our Spring salad with violets we also add some radish and broad beans. Radishes are very low in calories and provide a considerable amount of vitamin C, vitamin K, and iron. Radishes contain so-called glucosinolates, which protect against some types of cancer and can help with diabetes. Broad beans or puffed beans also contain plenty of vitamin C, as well as a lot of protein and lysine.
Broad beans have a creamy, slightly nutty flavor. You can make a soup or stew with them. But broad beans are also delicious as a salad or vegetable garnish.

Put the broad beans in boiling salted water for 2-3 minutes, take them out, rinse with cold water and then steam/fry them in butter in a pan.
Sort lettuce, wash and spin dry.
Wash radishes and cut into thin slices.
Shake out the flowers briefly, wash them under cold water and pat them dry.
Use a salad dressing of your choice. You can also simply mix some high-quality olive oil with balsamic vinegar. Add freshly ground pepper and a little salt.